Friday, March 14, 2008

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf

Chapter 12 Part 2

By Richard E. Noble

Is man truly the greatest of all of God's creatures because he has figured out a way to eat all of God's other creatures? And when something figures out a way to eat all of us humans, will it then become the greatest of all of God's creatures? One day the earth may be ruled by, insects, bugs or a virus, and at that time will this be the completion of God's plan? Once again we are back to basic Philosophy.
Is there a God? Does he have a plan? Adolf says yes. And to counteract Adolf we have to deny the existence of evil, and or cruelty or injustice, and the notion of a Devine Plan. If we accept that evil does exist, then we have to explain it in relation to our belief in God.
Do we believe in one God? Is this God a good God? Then why did he create evil? Are there two Gods - a God of evil and a God of good, a God and a Devil? If there is only one God, can He be both good and evil?
Adolf says that there is only one God. He may appear to be evil, and His ways may be hard, and even cruel, but He has an ulterior motive. His motive is the eventual perfection of the human race on this earth. To help God in this goal of purifying the human race, and therefore producing the perfect human being and race, is honorable. It may seem to be cruel to the 'uneducated' and the 'non-believers' to exterminate inferior breeds of humankind but one must trust in God's angels and follow His guidelines as laid out in the findings and observings of that all knowing source of truth, Mother Nature.
This is really standard historical religious thought. The Biblical Jews thought similarly. The Christians under Constantine’s direction proceeded in the same direction. The Moslems with the guidance of Mohammed took a similar course of conversion through conquest. Let's not forget the 'infidel'.
I wonder, is the goal of Mother Nature, the eventual perfection of all creatures and plants on the planet and throughout the universe? What would lead to the eventual perfection of the parasite, or the potato for that matter? Would a potato become perfect when it could be eaten by no one ... or by everyone? I guess that this would depend on who is doing the evaluating, the man or the potato. If mankind could eventually conquer disease, and overcome death what would then become of the laws of Nature as presently understood by Adolf?
"...This planet has driven on its course through the ether for millions of years without men, and the day may come when it will do so again..."
Is this a warning, a prediction, or a wish? Our world can once again be devoid of humans if we don't do what? If we don't obey the laws of God (Nature)? And God's law is what? God's law seems to be Darwin's theory of evolution as interpreted through the mind of Adolf. And Darwin's law according to Adolf says what? It says that the human species is on a quest for perfection. Well, it is on a quest for survival, but it will not survive if it tolerates imperfection. Therefore in order for man to survive it must seek to be perfect. In order for mankind to be perfect it must free itself of all imperfect specimens, just as Mother Nature does, in Her processes of natural selection. The tendency on the part of man to try and preserve the weak is one of man's many defects. One must take strength not to give into this tendency. Man must neutralize the weak and encourage the strong. How do we identify the weak and the strong? The strong are the healthiest, the most virile, the most aggressive and the most willing to dominate and show their superiority through the Aristocratic principle. The strong will, by their very Nature, rise to the top of the social structure, and become the leaders. The strongest leader in terms of races is the Germanic. It is up to us, the inheritors of this legacy of the Germanic greatness, to use our strength, our power, and our superiority to purify the races of the world, to eventually conquer and then destroy and replace the inferior with our progeny. This is how the human race will reach its desired goal of perfection.
And how does one go about defeating this type of logic? Most debaters usually begin arguing against the superiority of the Germanic race, or denying that such a race even exist, or denying its purity, or the purity of any race. But let's begin with Adolf's founding principle. Mother Nature is seeking Perfection.
I think this idea stems from the anthropomorphic notion that God is the perfect human being. God is a human being who is all wise, all knowing, all powerful, all everything. God is a human being carried to the infinite power. Here once again we have standard Theology. Adolf is once again true to tradition. Traditional human thinking along this line has even gone so far as to create actual human being Gods. The most noticeable at the moment being, Jesus Christ. But Human Gods are nothing new. Before Jesus we had Pharaohs and the Japanese had their Emperors. The history of man is replete with human gods and half human gods, and multiple human gods, gods that are animals, precious metals, jewels, living things, dead things, mountains, volcanoes, trees, planets, the sun etc. So Adolf has a God, Mother Nature, and Adolf's God has a plan; a design. Mother Nature's goal is to lead all of her creatures on to their eventual perfection. But all creatures eventually die; couldn't it be the plan of Mother Nature to lead all Her creatures and creation not to their eventual perfection but to their eventual destruction? The Dinosaurs were once on Mother Nature's road to perfection. Then a giant comet, or something hit the planet earth, blocked the earth from the sun with cosmic dust, and whammo, no more dinosaurs. What's the deal here? Mother Nature got tired of trying to perfect the Dinosaur? What's with the comet? Mother Nature was trying to make the perfect dinosaur and the perfect comet at the same time and her laboratory exploded? What's the deal? The dinosaurs began worshipping false dinosaurs and Mother Nature got pissed? Mother Nature got involved in creating the perfect comet and forgot about Her perfect dinosaurs?
What would be the eventual perfection of a cancer? Is Mother Nature right now involved in making the perfect cancer, the perfect cockroach, the perfect Virus, the perfect disease? If Mother Nature wanted only one race, why did she make so many? If the perfect male looks like a sculpture by Michelangelo, why did She make the most of us look like Fat Albert? And if it is Mother Nature's desire that we all eventually look like a sculpture by Michelangelo, why do we have to go to the gym for lebenty-nine thousand jumping jacks before we even start to resemble such a thing? If there is anything to be learned from Mother Nature I would think that it would be that there is nothing that is "perfect" and never will be. I would also presume that Mother Nature didn't want everything to be "perfect" or she would have made it that way in the first place. We live in an ever changing imperfect world, and every change isn't for the better. It is also clear that the Universe does not revolve around Mankind.
The basic notion that Mother Nature is seeking perfection is not true as far as I can see. What can we say about Mother Nature that is true? Can we say that living things are constantly involved in a process of reproducing themselves? I personally have never been involved in such a process. Oh, I've had an overpowering compulsion to provide myself with pleasant sensation, but I have never had any desire to reproduce anything, least of all myself. So the notion that things are driven by Natural inclination to reproduce themselves may not be the case at all. Most living things might just be doing whatever feels good, and provides them with pleasurable sensations. The moth seeks the flame with the same sense of purpose that it builds its cocoon. Mother Nature is not a mother of anything. What we call Nature is a never ending, ever changing, evolution of actions and reactions, chemical, physical, biological, nuclear. We keep looking for a design within these phenomena as we look for faces in the clouds. Nature is not a thinking creature with a plan for anything. Nature is a ping pong ball reacting to each slap of the paddle. A + B may always = C, but A may only be for a moment in time and B may never be the same twice. We predict things because they seem to happen over and over again, but to say that they will forever be as such, one can only guess. A little more oxygen a little less nitrogen and the whole chemistry of the Universe changes and new 'principles' of Nature will have to be observed and categorized into new sets of possible alternatives. That there are no Absolute truths is absolutely true.
Why does each and every one of us humans have a personal identifiable DNA? Why are we all different? Why are we even male and female? Why aren't we self reproductive, or cloning? When we perfect our newly discovered cloning techniques, will each clone be exactly alike? Is there anything perfect about a human being? How do we define the word perfect? What is perfect in itself? Perfection like beauty seems to be in the eye of the beholder.
Adolf had a vision of what the perfect race should be, what the perfect nation should be, what the perfect society should be. It was His vision. Certainly not a true vision based on any science of evolution or whatever.
His vision of the perfect, involved killing, destruction, war, power, fear, vengeance, hate, retribution, torture, and it was all to be controlled and determined by him. And if the world would not listen, he would destroy it. And if we would not listen he would destroy us. And when his people stopped listening he tried to destroy them. And finally when he could not make the whole world, or even his countrymen conform to his dream of perfection, he destroyed himself. And what part of Mother Nature's design is putting a bullet through one's own skull?
I don't think that Mother Nature is seeking perfection. I think Mother Nature is like the compulsive gambler and She is seeking action. What results from Her restlessness is multiple and varied, and because of the overabundance of certain circumstances and phenomena, She is repetitious, and repeatable, and because of this often times, predictable. Is Science the art of observing, or predicting? Some have declared that there is truth in mathematics, but yet they can not produce a straight line in reality, never mind an obtuse triangle.
So what does all of this have to say about Adolf? Does anyone really have to sit down and disprove the theories of a man who says that killing and murder are proper and the way of God? How could so many people have believed such a thing? How could so many have supported such a notion with their money? How could human beings actually have participated in the slaughter? We must look into our logic and reasoning. If it leads us to the notion that killing, murder, and destruction are the proper course for Human Kind, we should re-evaluate. We should also look into our impulses, our aggressive tendencies, our competitiveness, our egotism, and our notion to look upon ourselves as the chosen specimen of any God, or some one thing that is any more special than all other things. These are all traps and delusions - a disease of humankind, if you will. We have a right to revel in the wonder of existence, the complicacy of the Universe, but to think that it was created by one of us, or one like us is pushing the limits of credulity. To even believe that it was created, never mind by what or who, may be greatly exaggerating the realm of the possible.
On the other hand men have been marching off to war for one reason or another since the beginning of recorded human experience, and we have no reason to believe that it wasn't going on well before that. In truth it seems to be those that are not inclined to march off to war for one trumped up reason or another, who are the anomaly. People who preach peace are continually shot, hung, or crucified. A soldier on the tube last night said that it is only the dead who have seen the end to war. And isn't Adolf saying that the only way to end war is to let him rule the earth. He will keep the peace by destroying any opposition. People have always seemed to be willing to march off to War in the name of God. There is a strong contingent of religious people even today who believe that Jesus Christ will one day return to the earth with sword in hand to lead a force of 'righteousness' against someone called the Anti-Christ. It seems like kind of a joke. Obviously even today's Christians didn't like the message of the first 'messiah', who taught the obviously misguided principles of peace, love, and passive resistance. So they have invented the second coming of the real Christ, who will return to the earth totally pissed off, brandishing a sword and wearing a suit of armor (Well, maybe we shouldn't take that so literally. He'll probably be wearing a set of fatigues, and be sitting astride a mobile missile launcher.) Even the path to heaven will be via some sort of war and killing, and God will be the General-ing soldier of this the last slaughter. Could it be that Adolf envisioned himself to be this Messiah?
Man as a beast is a survivor, but can the beast survive without killing? Is there an army of the peace seeking? Eisenhower said that the people of the world truly want peace, now if we can only get the governments of the world out of their way. But Governments are only a part of the problem. What about the militaries? What about the Military minded? What about the soldiers themselves? And what about what seems to be the basic inclination of the species itself towards violence and brutality?
Is war the result of the inner brooding of man over the injustice of his natural state, or am I giving man too much credit for intellectualism? Is War at its root the result of social circumstances - the satisfied against the dissatisfied?
Raping and plundering seems to have been a traditional part of man's desire to march off to their own possible death. Napoleon, I think, was the latest to preach and encourage this philosophy. Aren’t you all tired of all of this wish-y-washy idea of brotherhood and fraternity, he screamed, how about some good old fashioned raping and plundering. This message obviously had its appeal because Napoleon was able to amass the greatest army of the day to march off with this notion of killing plundering and raping. Adolf was somewhat more sophisticated. His message was one of rightful dominance and superiority, seasoned with righteous anger, and retribution. His was the fulfillment of a destiny, and justified by the principles of Mother Nature and her designer, The Almighty.
I am inclined to look at the proper evolution of Mankind as on a road to understanding, peace, tolerance, a basic 'domestication' of the Beast. But all around us, even today, are the chanting of the beast within. In our literature we see violence, brutality, killing on the part of the criminal minded and equally brutal killing on the part of the social minded. Our science fiction is filled with 'Star Wars', and the battle between the technological genius, and the inter-galactic barbarian - the two existing as one on either side of the battle lines; our mysteries dealing with the super-natural and those powers beyond all known powers. The fearsome powers of an uncontrollable, left handed God. A boggy man if you will. Ah yes, when reason sleeps, Mr. Goya, the demons abound.
Our love stories are more flights into sexual fantasies, than any embodiment of kind feelings, trust and mutual understanding between the sexes. The feminine movement seems to have evolved into the notion that women have the natural and social right to be as brutal, murderous, cruel hearted, sexually promiscuous, and uncaring as their historical persecutors. They drive tanks, run through the streets with machine guns, and seduce unsuspecting men. Some of them have become so enchanted with their new state as male impersonator that now, like Narcissus, they even fall in love with themselves, and or one another.
Our TV is filled with violence, the addiction of humans to powers beyond their control, a constant bombardment of sexual naiveté, and immaturity and a humor that is more sad than funny. Participants in even our non violent sports, drop their playful paraphernalia, and jump onto one another with fists and kicks - certainly no examples for the youth here. Nor do I see any great lesson to be learned by participating in these exhibitions promoted by the notions of greed, ego, and personal delusions of grandeur. The phrase Sadomasochism comes to mind - a basic desire to punish and to be punished.
Is not Christianity a study in this phenomenon? God the Father brutalizes His own Son in the name of human redemption. The human being who was originally created out of Love is condemned and persecuted in the name of disobedience. And God's anger is so great that it can only be diminished by the persecution and torture of His only begotten Son who is made temporarily human, but who in reality is really one with God Himself. So we have a Confused God creating and uncreating Himself; a God who is not at peace with His own decisions and abilities; a God who must nail Himself to a cross, or have Himself nailed to a cross in order to free Himself of His own misjudgments. So here we have man creating God in his own sadomasochist image.
If we eliminate God from the equation and say that there is no such thing. We find man, the confused beast, brutalizing himself; fulfilling an inner notion to strike out at others and to punish himself. It is somewhat logical to presume that man has created Hell for his enemies and Heaven for himself, but what of purgatory? A place, it seems that even the righteous must suffer for their inadequacies.
If we presume that there is no God, and man made up all of these religious fantasies, what then does that tell us about the nature of the beast? What if we study the present day religions of mankind for their psychological roots, as we study the Greek and Roman Gods to get an insight into the mentality of their kind and age? But for now let us return to Adolf and his personal fantasies.
"...He who wants to live should fight, therefore, and he who does not want to battle in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to be alive."
Well, the gauntlet is dropped. Kill or be killed, says Adolf. It is one thing to realize that killing is a part of the human experience. We must kill to stay alive. We eat living things. What is now supper or lunch in one culture is a household pet in another. There are even groups today who are defending the tomato and the celery stalk on the grounds that these vegetables also have feelings and sensitivities, and what they say may well be true. It may help to talk to your vegetables and plants? We live and sustain ourselves in this world as vampires, sucking the blood of life out of other living things and creatures. But what do we do about it? And is it reasonable to come to the conclusion that killing, even one another is a required prerequisite for life?
I read a story not too long ago about a nun who was on a mission somewhere in this world. A conflict was going on about her. She was captured by one of the conflicting parties. She was brutalized and tortured. As a part of her brutalization, a dagger was placed into her hand. Her hand, with the dagger in it, was then forcibly plunged into another living human being until that person had been stabbed to death.
I see this as a part of the story of Adolf - a young man who was conditioned and brutalized by the world and its conflicts. Like the persecutors of the nun, dipped into the gory blood of the human struggle, reaching out like a hand sinking into the mire, to grab hold of any shred of what they consider hypocritical humankind and pull her or them into the pit, so that she and they can share in the loathsomeness of degradation, disgust and human misery. They, like Adolf, have been forced to kill their own kind, humankind. How does one live with that experience? The knife had been forced into their hand, and now they would force it into the hands of everyone. If it is good enough for me, it is good enough for everyone else. You will not fight! I will make you fight. You will not kill! I will make you kill. Who do you think you are? Do you think that you are something superior to me? Do you think that you are better than I am? And this brings us to another one of those crucial human questions - to kill, or not to kill? That is the question.
There is another question here. I read an account written by a reporter covering a conflict in Africa, possibly the Bore War. He was at a battle site with a British officer. A battle of hand to hand, or sword to sword, knife to knife combat was raging. The officer who had been talking to the reporter about the glory of battle and the exhilaration of conflict, jumped onto his trusty steed, speed off into the ranks of the natives, and with his saber, began splitting skulls. The officer then rode back to the side lines. He and his horse were now covered with human blood from head to stirrup. He looked down at the reporter and is quoted as saying something similar to the following. "You can't tell me that you wouldn't love to do that."
It seems to me that Adolf is saying that since killing is clearly apart of life, why don't we stop pussy footing around, and do what we were born to do. I think that the British officer above looked at the whole thing as sport, but Adolf was a more serious fellow, he actually wanted to turn killing into something glorious. One shouldn't feel guilty about it. One should have no remorse of conscience about it. One should do his duty to his country, and fulfill the destiny of mankind, by carrying out the will of God (Mother Nature). There should be no holding back and no guilt about your actions because, you are doing the 'Right' thing.
So what can I say? I guess in relation to the logic of Adolf, I am the underdog. I say do not conform to your Nature, do not follow the Will of God, do not obey your Natural instincts, bring yourself above your basest instincts, disobey your country if necessary, but hold yourself to a higher standard and seek to civilize the human beast within and without. This voice that I am speaking through is also a part of the Human Experience. Tears also flow from the human organism, along with the semen and the blood. Tears are also a part of Mother Nature's plan. Let the tears be your guide. Seek guidance through the tears of History. Bathe in the tears of today, and let the instinct of your own tears lead you to the better understanding of the human beast of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yes life is hard, and many people unworthy, but toughen up, be better than you ever thought you could be. Surely fight to protect yourself, and those you love, and your beliefs, but be bigger than cruel, be admiring not jealous. Fight for the adjudication of the tears. Have sorrow, have pity, have compassion, have feeling, do what you must but don't give into the protective shell and false security of callousness and hatred. The path taken by Adolf and his followers has shown you what and where that leads to. Don't take the low road of hatred, jealousy, and violence. Get yourself up for the higher climb, even if it sometimes doesn't seems to make sense. Even if at times it seems futile. One day war will be conquered.